Monday, November 16, 2009

Google Adsense Formula (anyone and imisidro please answer)?

consider the google adsense program.

Assuming I am using averages for all the values I can tell how much I earn from google by the formula:

Earnings = impressions * click through ratio(CTR) * earnings per click (EPC)

Impressions are all me and based on how well my site performs and is not in any way unknown. I can work on improving it and measure every little thing I do.

CTR is something I cannot estimate. It will depend on the website type, I imagine. (imisidro) Your website looks like an information site, so your CTR would be similar to the one I would expect. May I inquire what CTR it might average? Anyone else that has a CTR for a site that would help me?

The earnings per click are 70% of what google makes is this true? Also how can I estimate this number for a given topic. It is easy to tell what it will cost at google adwords to place 1-3 or 4-6 or 7-10 on a given keyword, are any of these good numbers to use as average?

thanks for ALL thoughts on the matter

Google Adsense Formula (anyone and imisidro please answer)?
You are forgetting something in your formula = smart pricing.

Smart pricing is the big unknown that can significantly reward or discount your clicks. In the email sent in 2004 by Google when it introduced smart pricing they explain smart pricing as

"if our data shows that a click is less likely to turn into business results (e.g. online sale, registration, phone call, newsletter sign-up), we may reduce the price you pay for that click ... We take into account many factors such as what keywords or concepts triggered the ad, as well as the type of site on which the ad was served. For example, a click on an ad for digital cameras on a web page about photography tips may be worth less than a click on the same ad appearing next to a review of digital cameras."

So it is not a straightforward estimate - an advertiser paying $0.10 cents for a click from content network (Adsense publishers) does not give you assurance that you get 70 cents (assuming a 70-30 split with Google and publisher). It could be more, or it could be less depending on how smart pricing looks at your site. Webmasters continue to dissect what it is, how it actually works, how often it is applied -- and WebmasterWorld alone has hundreds of threads on this topic.

The other factors are something you can control: ad impressions you can work to increase your traffic; CTR with your ad placement and layout. My site, an information site, is a perfect vehicle for Adsense and we get very good results (double digit CTR, and 5-digit monthly income). [Sorry can't reveal much lest I be in violation of Adsense TOS]

But not all websites fit well with the program, as we wrote in the article "Contextual Advertising: Why Are You Earning Only Pennies?" -- but it is how you experiment and play around the variables that you can control that can result to your earnings. Markus Finch's website earned millions because he has gargantuan traffic, even though his CPM and EPC are paltry. Fos us, we continue to experiment with the colors of the Adlinks, how to space the large rectangles, etc.

One excellent resource I suggest if you want more to understand Adsense is the Jensense blog - this is written by the moderator of the Adsense forum at WebmasterWorld (Jenstar). You can learn a lot from reading her blog as she is very knowledgeable of the topic.

PS. Thank you for the invite to answer your question :o)
Reply:Very good answer and resources!!! Report It

Reply:I have 1 million high paying keywords list.. It's a must

have if you want to jump into this business. I have

spend more than 3 months to collect all of the keywords.

I don't setup the web site yet. Please email me at to be the earliest person to

get for only $199. Report It

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