Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Google search problem?

When you use 'yahoo answers'(no single quotation marks) as a search term to run a Google search, the 6th result is Yahoo! answers-wikipedia,the free encyclopedia, whose URL is!_Answers. The snippet is

Yahoo! Answers is a community-driven knowledge market website launched by Yahoo! on December 13, 2005 that allows users to ask and answer questions posed by ...

But if you use "yahoo answers is" or "yahoo! answers is" and to run another Google search, this result will be missing from the search result set.;newwi...;newwi...;newwi...

Why does this happen?

A Google search problem?
I'm not sure I understand, but Google doesn't seem to use quotes like it once did. You just need to type in yahoo answers and it will get top listing. I always used quotes and + or - in the past, but in recent years the results have been a very mixed bag.
Reply:because first you have searched without quotes and in second query you are searching with quotes

snippet can pick part of content it may be display the text from two places. so when you searched "yahoo answers is" it is looking as it is in same order of words.


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