Friday, November 13, 2009

Google 404 not found error?

when i run a search at google, the query is 13000000000..13999999999,there is a 404 NOT FOUND error. the detail is

google error

not found The requested URL /sorry/?continue= was not found on this server.

what's the matter with google? does google filter this kind of search or is there anything else?

Google 404 not found error?
Google is possibly assumming that you're inputting a credit card number search %26amp; since it's restricted you have been directed to a 404.
Reply:Try on yahoo. it gives result. Google might be treating it as some special number set or regular expression.
Reply:that's for every search?

if you search for crap, you get crap back
Reply:It might be thinking its an ip address with it being numbers and fullstops. take out the fullstops and it says the search doesn't find anything.

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